
Stephen Heintz:世界目睹中国公益事业发展

Stephen Heintz:世界目睹中国公益事业发展
2013年01月08日 14:17 新浪公益

  第四届中国非公募基金会发展论坛2012年会在广州举行,本次年会的主题为“财劲其用,追求卓越”,出席年会的共有316 家机构,共500余人。以下为 洛克菲勒兄弟基金会总裁 Stephen Heintz先生 视频致辞实录。

洛克菲勒兄弟基金会总裁 Stephen Heintz先生洛克菲勒兄弟基金会总裁 Stephen Heintz先生

  主持人:下面我们请洛克菲勒兄弟基金会总裁Stephen Heintz 先生来讲话。因为他身体不太好,所以不能亲临现场。他特意录制了一个录像,等一下给大家播放。

  洛克菲勒基金会非常有名,大家都知道一百年以前他们成立,中国协和医院今年也是一百年,就是洛克菲勒基金会捐助的一个项目。那么洛克菲勒基金会可以说是一个慈善王国,洛克菲勒家族一共办了72 个大的慈善机构,小的就数不清了,而且每个都做得非常好,可以说在全世界引领家族慈善、家族基金会和社会创新,做得非常好。


  Stephen Heintz:Honorable Chair, ladies and gentlemen, as the president of Rockefeller Brothers Fund, I have greatly honored to have this opportunity to say a few words on behalf of international foundations that are working in China. First , I send my heartfelt congratulations to the organizers of the 4th Annual China Foundation Summit. I regret that due to health reasons, I cannot be with all of you in person though I can just imagine the excitement of this significant moment that brings all of you together-leaders from government,philanthropic institutions, academia, social organizations and media groups。

  The Rockefeller family has had a long-lasting friendship with China beginning with its work to establish the Peking Union Medical College. As a family foundation, the current work of the Rockefeller Brothers Fund focuses on environment and health, energy and climate, and supporting community leaders who are working to promote sustainable development in Southern China. Needless to say, we are particularly delighted that this year’s summit is taking place in one of the most important cities in South China, Guangzhou。

  Since 2008, the world has witnessed the development of China indigenous philanthropic sector, which is growing at an unprecedented speed. This amazing progress reflects the wisdom, creativity, resourcefulness, andgenerosity of the Chinese people in a new era of the country’ s development. Its significance is profound and far-reaching as the sustainability of China’s nonprofit sector ultimately depends on it。

  We live today in a deeply interdependent world. Effective solutions to economic, social and environmental challenges will require the combined efforts of all sectors-governments, business and civil society. They also require transactional collaborations. We look forward to learning from and working together with Chinese private foundations at this exciting yet challenging time in our world。

  Once again, my congratulations and best wishes for the success of the 4th Annual China Private Foundations Summit。



  从2008 年开始,世界目睹了中国本土公益事业以史无前例的增长速度发展。这些震撼人心的进步折射出中国人民的智慧、慷慨和创造性。这将对中国本土公益事业的可持续发展有着极其深远的意义。






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