

http://gongyi.sina.com.cn 2008年06月26日17:44  中国宋庆龄基金会

  唐闻生副主席为表达自己对孩子们的尊重,像孩子们一样戴上了红领巾。Another highlight of the event was the auction. Sun Li, who is in charge of public relations for Nestle China Ltd., just auctioned an art piece for 5,500 yuan. 此次慈善会的另一亮点是其中的拍卖环节。雀巢中国公关部的负责人孙丽(音)刚刚以5500元人民币拍得了一件艺术品。"I know the money will go to disaster areas. Although the amount is not that big, this is from my heart."我知道这笔会送达灾区。尽管数目不大,但这是我的心意。What was the most moving was that many children even raised their hands to bid. Their parents wanted to teach them how to give and how to love from a young age. 最令人感动的是,许多小朋友也竞相举手竞拍。他们的父母想从小就让他们学会给鱼,学会付出。Qu Yingpu is the Deputy Editor-in-Chief of China Daily and the spokesperson for the Olympic Touch Relay Center. 曲莹璞是中国日报社副总编辑、奥运火炬接力中心发言人。"I am very much touched by the people here, especially the auctions. People are not really bidding for the articles. They just find ways to contribute, to help those in need, especially children. Everything to do with the children is very touching. You look at those people, who made a lot of contributions, paying more than 30,000 yuan for just three hotel nights. These are the strength we are gathering." 我被这里的人们感动了,尤其是在拍卖环节。人们并不是在竞拍这些物品,而是在通过这样一种方式来帮助灾民,尤其是那些孩子们。与孩子相关的东西总是很容易使人感动。我们看到这些人在贡献着自己的力量,他们为3个晚上的旅馆客房开价到3万多块钱。这是我们汇集起来的力量。Qu has an eleven-year-old son. The boy wanted to donate in advance all his pocket money for the next 3 years. He asked his father to take it out to help the victims and he would go without any pocket money for 3 years. 曲莹璞有一个11岁的儿子。孩子想把自己未来三年的零花钱全部捐给灾区。他让爸爸提前把钱拿出来捐给灾民,情愿自己以后的三年没有任何零花钱。Carl Crook has a foreign face but he is an old-time resident in Beijing. After the quake, they invited a family of three from Mianyang, one of the quake-hit areas, to come over to Beijing and live together with them. 卡尔·克鲁克长着一副外国面孔,实际上却已经是个老北京了。地震之后,他们邀请一个绵阳的三口之家到北京与他们住在一起。"Their house was severely damaged in the earthquake. They had to actually live in a car for quite a few days. We were very pleased to get them out of Mianyang to finally stay with us." 他们的房子在地震中被严重破坏了。他们在一辆汽车中住了好几天。能把他们从绵阳接触来与我们住在一起我们感到非常高兴David Michael is from Boston Consulting Group in Beijing. 大卫·麦克尔来自北京的波士顿咨询公司。"The international community cares greatly about the children in Sichuan. Many of us will make our very best efforts to support the government in the effort to help everyone in Sichuan."国际社会非常关心四川的孩子们。很多人都愿意尽自己最大的努力来协助政府救助灾民。Up to May 30, the China Soong Ching Ling Foundation has been able to raise 39 million yuan in donations. Among that, 9 million yuan has been forwarded to Sichuan and more than 11 million yuan of donation materials have been sent to the quake-stricken areas as well. 截止到5月30号,中国宋庆龄基金会已经筹集到了3900万元的捐赠。这其中的9百万元以及价值1100万元的救灾物资已经送到了四川灾区。

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