

2010年01月26日 09:52 新浪网

  凝聚共识 加强合作 推进应对气候变化历史进程

  Build Consensus and Strengthen Cooperation to Advance the Historical Process of Combating Climate Change


  ——Wen Jiabao speech to COP15 Copenhagen

  中华人民共和国国务院总理 温家宝

  The following is the full text of Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao\'s address, delivered at the Copenhagen Climate Change Summit here on Friday:

  (2009年12月18日 哥本哈根)


  Prime Minister Rasmussen, Dear Colleagues,


  At this very moment, billions of people across the world are following closely what is happening here in Copenhagen. The will that we express and the commitments that we make here should help push forward mankind\'s historical process of combating climate change. Standing at this podium, I am deeply aware of the heavy responsibility.


  Climate change is a major global challenge. It is the common mission of the entire mankind to curb global warming and save our planet. It is incumbent upon all of us, each and every country, nation, enterprise and individual to act, and act now in response to this challenge.


  The past 30 years have seen remarkable progress in China\'s modernization drive. Let me share with you here that China has taken climate change very seriously in the course of its development. Bearing in mind the fundamental interests of the Chinese people and mankind\'s long-term development, we have exerted unremitting effort and made positive contribution to the fight against climate change.


  China was the first developing country to adopt and implement a National Climate Change Program. We have formulated or revised the Energy Conservation Law, Renewable Energy Law, Circular Economy Promotion Law, Clean Production Promotion Law, Forest Law, Grassland Law and Regulations on Civil Building Efficiency. Laws and regulations have been an important means for us to address climate change.


  China has made the most intensive efforts in energy conservation and pollution reduction in recent years. We have improved the taxation system and advanced the pricing reform of resource products with a view to putting in place at an early date a pricing mechanism that is responsive to market supply and demand, resource scarcity level and the cost of environmental damage. We have introduced 10 major energy conservation projects and launched an energy conservation campaign involving 1,000 enterprises, bringing energy-saving action to industry, transportation, construction and other key sectors. We have implemented pilot projects on circular economy, promoted energy-saving and environment-friendly vehicles and supported the use of energy-saving products by ordinary households with government subsidies. We have worked hard to phase out backward production facilities that are energy intensive and heavily polluting. The inefficient production capacity that China eliminated between 2006and 2008 stood at 60.59 million tons for iron, 43.47 million tons of steel, 140 million tons for cement and 64.45 million tons for coke. By the end of the first half of this year, China\'s energy consumption per unit of GDP had dropped by 13 percent from the 2005 level, equivalent to reducing 800 million tons of carbon dioxide.




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